1) English is our main language.
2) No recording of others without permission.
3) There is a fine line between being funny and being derisive. Don't be mean.
4) Religious/Political discussions are discouraged, merely because this never works out. We’re from all over the world, have some respect. We're here to talk about innovation in tech and more specifically 3D printing/CNC/CAD. We're not here to talk about power struggles unless these struggles directly intersect the main topic.
5) Whenever possible try to put truth finding ahead of your own ego. There is no shame in admitting that you are wrong, or simply dropping the argument. We are here to learn from each other, have fun, and make friends in the process.
6) Be respectful: everyone is here to learn, help and contribute.
7) No personal attacks: discuss an issue rather than attacking the person.
8) No spamming: this will get you banned immediately. (edited)
Changes/Additions to Rules:
This is a relatively new community, we may expand the rules as we grow.
Breaking the rules:
Generally we will warn you before banning you. Repeated offences will lead to banning. (edited)